A 4 years research about household behavior and attitudes regarding the environment. An International household survy covers five key areas: waste, food, water, energy and transport. The NRERC team incharge of the Waste section.
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon, Dr. Ruslana Rachel Palatnik
Funding: OECD
Palatnik, R. R., Ayalon, O. & Shechter, M. (2005). Household Demand for Waste Recycling Services. Environmental Management, 35(2), 121-129. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-004-0044-7.
Palatnik, R. R., Ayalon, O. & Shechter, M. (2004). Household Demand for Waste Separation and Recycling Devices. Economic Quarterly, 51(3), 413-430. [Hebrew]
Examining the economic costs and benefits and environmental utilization of plastic waste in Israel through cost - benefit analysis and life cycle assessment
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon, Dr.Tzipi Eshet, Mr. Amos Shtibelman
Funding: Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection
Recycling and Reduction of Waste Production:An Integrated Approach An Advanced Multi-Disciplinary Research Project
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon
Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology
Efficient solid waste management options for Israel
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon
Funding: Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection and Neeman Institute at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Economic incentives in solid waste management policy
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon
Funding: Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection
Environmental accounting as a means for the development of solid waste management policy in Israel
Researcher: Prof. Ofira Ayalon